Food.  Travel.  Photography.  Lifestyle.  Passion

I am obsessed with food.  I wake up with breakfast on the brain, and elevenses in the works.  During which, I’m planning lunch.  I cannot get through an afternoon without snacks, and it’ll take at least a few hours to plan dinner.  After dessert, it’s time to digest (no pun intended) the day’s culinary inspirations, and plan dishes for god knows when or who, cutting quickly into shut-eye time. 

I wish I were exaggerating, even a little.

After years of self-discouragement, and enough nudges in the right direction, I have finally come to accept that maybe, just maybe, a blog might be a productive and viable outlet for my food-crazed brain.

So here we are.  Here I am.  A sweet-toothed, travel-bug bitten, 23 year old TCK ethnic mutt, self-proclaimed chocolate aficionado, discoverer, maker, styler, photographer, sharer, eater, lover of food, currently living in Switzerland.  Hi.

Thank you for stopping by!

Things you should know about me: I firmly believe chocolate can and should be incorporated into every dish in existence.  I eat my way through my travels.  I never leave the house without food.  “Bestovers” are the reincarnation of leftovers, my kitchen M.O. and new favourite word.  Food waste literally pains me to the core, I can’t explain it.  Carbs?  Abso-freaking-lutely.  Anti diets, pro omnivores: everything is good for you, in moderation.

Things to expect on the blog: nibs just so happen to infer chocolate.  Need I say more?  Also earthy in flavour, brown in colour, and in my opinion the perfect symbolic representation of everything food as it pertains to natural, balance (I love myself a green juice as much as that chocolate fondant), and sustainable.  In other words, everything I believe in; minimal food waste, a best friend in leftovers, happy place in local markets, huge supporter of farm to fork, and general innovators in this natural and sustainable space, be it fashion, cosmetics etc.  Healthy means balance, balance means going back to our roots, when nothing was wasted, and everything was appreciated.  Balance is the new normal, and food is our common ground.  So let’s go back to the future with food.

These pages are simply a collection of my food discoveries from across the globe, culminating into recipes, food photography, travel and lifestyle.  Chocolate will make an uncanny number of (re)appearances, recipes/addresses might veer slightly towards the sweet, and yes, I spent my formative years in London, no that is not a spelling mistake. 

Please don’t hesitate to comment, suggest, request.  This is only the beginning, and, well, nobody’s perfect.  Thank you so much for stopping by and making it all the way to the end, it means the world.  I look forward to starting this journey with you :)

C x


  • All the styling and photography is my own, (using a Nikon D60, except for Instagram).
  • This is something I love to do, and a lot of effort goes into it.  I would be over the moon should you choose to share, but please respect the passion and time going into it, and give credit where credit is due.
  • Original recipes will be stated as so, otherwise, credit will of course be given to its source.
  • You may notice measurements are generally in Cups, Tea/tablespoons, and on occasion, even inches.  Over the past 5 years spent living in the States, many of the blogs, books, foodtv I have been following are American.  Thus, US. measurements!  I also feel that they are becoming increasingly universal in the cooking/baking world (bar perhaps, inches...).  But I apologise sincerely for the occasional measurement mélange.