Pizza Dough: Vehicle for Leftovers


Having spent part of almost every weekend over the past 3 months down at Maltby St. Market - which, in my opinion, is one of the best things about London and if you’ve not yet been you need to now this weekend – you could say I’ve been a bit immersed in the world of Street Food.

Street food, for me, is reflective of a city’s soul [that and every local granny's recipe repertoire filled with generations of culinary wisdom].  A street food vendor is generally product specific, service is quick, food is messy, and unapologetically exploding with flavour.  All of which gives the appearance of simplicity.  And yet the makings of any street food success is oh so complex.


Most of all though, street food is about passion.  It's personalBecause there is no way, one could ever put in the hours and effort required, day in, and day out, for that perfect mouthful, without an obsession for perfection.  Which is why I love it. 

And given I have an obsessive passion for everything and anything Italian, spent a month on a farm in the middle of nowhere [have a little read if you're curious...], promised more Italian recipes than I’ve actually yet delivered [please forgive me].  And somehow, ended up with a massive tub of Devi’s [Maltby St. Market regular] leftover Persian Aubergine - which I had no choice but to take home with me to save from the bin – along with a pesto from The Gay Farmer [other Maltby St. Market regular] that I’m dying to try.  Pizza dough, was the only logical upcycling solution that could do my street food leftovers justice.


Italy’s shining glory.  Done differently in every region.  Hell every household I’m sure.  But always available per prendere via [to take away].  And the PERFECT vehicle for any combination of toppings.

So here’s a recipe I learnt from, and interpreted – for us humble home bakers without constant access to freshly milled Italian flours of only the best quality, infinite hours for pizza making on our hands, and fresh yeast – from il campione del mondo di pizza acrobatica.  That’s right.  Giuseppe Lapolla.  The world champion of pizza acrobatics.


Pizza Dough
nibs etc. recipe adapted from Giuseppe Lapolla.  Makes 4.

[full recipe over on Thoughtful].