Pear Fennel + Soup How-Tos

Cold, tired, the body's shouting soup.  So the body gets soup.

Pear + Fennel Soup topped with Sweet and Salty Seed Clusters

Pear + Fennel Soup topped with Sweet and Salty Seed Clusters

Soup is not something to which I ever gave much thought, growing up.  But over the years I have noticed how much good it does to my body.  And quite frankly, it's also one of the most fantastic ways to use up any vegetables nearing expiration.  And so beautifully simple.  Here's my advice: I wouldn't recommend searching for a soup recipe.  Instead, let your fridge inspire it.  Settle on which part of the world you'll be taking your taste buds to (aka, herb/spice mix), and always remember the essentials to soup making, which low and behold, sing in perfect alliteration: slice. sweat. season. stock. simmer. synthesise (yes, I went there), serve (who knew there were so many 's's involved in soup making.  And yes I did just come up with this spontaneously on my own, thank you, and, you're welcome).

So, thanks to a rather decrepit looking Fennel Bulb and 2 bruised pears, cue, Pear + Fennel Soup.  I also always like to add a little crunch, be it sweet and salty seed clusters, crispy lardons, croutons or a sliced and fried Frankfurter.  Just, for a little added inspiration.

Pear and Fennel Soup with a side of fresh Baguette and Gruyère cheese

Pear and Fennel Soup with a side of fresh Baguette and Gruyère cheese

Pear + Fennel Soup
nibsetc. original recipe.  Portions: 2-3

1 Fennel Bulb
2 Pears (I happened to have Conference Pears on hand)
1 Yellow Onion
1/2 tsp Bouillon Powder + 2 cup Boiling Water (or stock, to replace both, should you prefer)
Pinch Nutmeg
Pinch Cayenne Chili Pepper
Salt + Pepper to taste

Start by roughly chopping your onion, pears (no need to peel! in my opinion that's just wasting for no reason) and fennel to as similar a size as possible.  Do not mix.
Place your saucepan on medium-high heat, add a drizzle of olive oil, and when hot, add the onion.  Season with salt and pepper, add the nutmeg and chili pepper, stirring to coat evenly.  Sweat your onions for a couple of minutes until translucent and starting to brown.
Then add the fennel.  Stir to distribute evenly, until fennel starts to soften and brown slightly.  After which, add the pears, stir to coat in spices and remaining traces of oil, then add the boiling water and bouillon powder (or stock if you prefer), reduce heat so that contents are lightly simmering, cover and leave for 20 minutes.
Once contents are evenly softened, remove from the heat and immersion blend until entirely puréed.  Add boiling water (being sure to blend after each addition) until your desired consistency is reached (remember to season accordingly).  Place back on the heat for a few minutes until thoroughly warmed through.  Ladle and serve immediately.

Topped with sweet and salty seed/nut clusters, as photographed here: (2 tbsp of your favourite seed mix (I used 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds 1/2 tbsp sunflower seeds 2 tsp mixed lin/poppy seeds), lightly toasted in a pan with sprinkling of salt, before adding a pinch of sugar to caramelise. Allow seeds to cool clumped together, to form a light brittle.)
Topped with your favourite pan fried protein (sausage, tofu etc.).
With a dollop of crême fraiche or greek yoghurt, and a drizzle of olive oil.
Always with a slice or 2 of crusty artisan bread and salty cheese.