
Coffee-BBQ Roasted Squash

Coffee-BBQ Roasted Squash

Coffee concentrate is a more concentrated coffee, crafted using the cold brew method.  I’ll let HER – pun intended – get into the nitty gritty with you.  But I will tell you that as a non-coffee drinker, I blew my own mind with this Coffee-BBQ Sauce-Glazed Roasted Butternut Squash.  [And I mean that as humbly as possible].  But, actually.  It is so, yummy.  And so party-season appropriate.

Coconut Bircher Muesli

Coconut Bircher Muesli

The story for coconut Bircher Muesli goes as follows:

I had a bunch of coconut beverages in my fridge.  It was time for them to go.

Juice Pulp Tagliatelle

Juice Pulp Tagliatelle

If I’m honest with you, I genuinely blew myself away with this one (and trust me when I say I've never said, let alone thought that).  I'm now about to share with you the recipe that was possibly the biggest success of my small-dinner-big-ideas night: Juice Pulp Pasta. 

Mediterranean Pasta Salad

Mediterranean Pasta Salad

This is the best and only pasta salad, you will ever need in your life.  We can shake on it if you’d like?  Here’s why: it literally combines everything you need in a dish, in texture, flavour, colour, nutritional balance and indulgence.  Even Masterchef would be impressed.  So simple, packed with flavour, born from the simple desire to eat all our favourite things.  And whaddya know, perfect leftover-pasta-bestover-recipe (how's that for a tongue-twister): my mum’s Mediterranean Pasta Salad.

Kohlrabi: Okonomiyaki + Slaw

Kohlrabi: Okonomiyaki + Slaw

I have been fortunate to have experienced cultures from across the world, which in turn has led me to crave the discovery of all sorts of global cuisines, generally through my personal consumption, but whenever I can, through local cooking classes.  But in all honesty, Japanese food is never something I properly looked into, other than endless sushi dates and that Sushi making party that one time...Until my mum brought home the strangest looking vegetable I'd seen in a long time, and Food 52 just so happened to feature it on their CSA.  Too perfect of a coincidence NOT to try my hand at it.  Hence, Kohlrabi Okonomiyaki with lightly pickled Kohlrabi Slaw. 

Lemony Spelt + Chive Blossom Risotto

Lemony Spelt + Chive Blossom Risotto

There is something about cooking with something you've grown, or rather, what your Granny grew and gifted to you...  I also believe in happy coincidences, which is why when I glimpsed Matt Inwood's Lemon and Chive Blossom risotto on Instagram, and later that day conveniently discovered that my Granny was in fact growing her very own Chive Blossoms, I literally, had to.

Pear Fennel + Soup How-Tos

Pear Fennel + Soup How-Tos

Soup is not something to which I ever gave much thought, growing up.  But over the years I have noticed how much good it does to my body.  And quite frankly, it's also one of the most fantastic ways to use up any vegetables nearing expiration.  And so beautifully simple.