
Zesty Hot Cross Buns

Zesty Hot Cross Buns

You are free to decide whether this recipe is just an excuse to make hot cross buns or hoard orange peel.  But either way.  Hoard the orange peel.  And make the hot cross buns.

6L of Whole Milk

6L of Whole Milk

In continuation of what to do when - to avoid throwing down the drain and with respect to my #NoWaste kitchen experiments - your friends give you 6L of Whole Milk [to carry single-handedly on the tube home]...

Stale-Bread Summer Panzanella

Stale-Bread Summer Panzanella

For a No-Waste-harping, Italian-food-obsessing, Bestover-loving-gal, discovering the secrets of Panzanella were certainly among the best things to happen to me while in Italy (hey don't judge, some people get excited about tech, I get excited about new ways to upcycle foods.  To each their own...).

Pear Fennel + Soup How-Tos

Pear Fennel + Soup How-Tos

Soup is not something to which I ever gave much thought, growing up.  But over the years I have noticed how much good it does to my body.  And quite frankly, it's also one of the most fantastic ways to use up any vegetables nearing expiration.  And so beautifully simple.