Nigella Lawson

Gingerbread Beer Cake

Gingerbread Beer Cake

It’s the last day of the year.  So instead of reminiscing about what’s past, being intimidated by what’s to come, I'm indulging in all that’s present.  Family.  Food.  And Gingerbread Beer Cake.

Greek Yoghurt + Nutella Cheesecake

Greek Yoghurt + Nutella Cheesecake

I gave Nigella's Cheesecake a Bestover treatment, courtesy of some old biscuits, an abundance of Greek Yoghurt [more than would fit in any regular human’s fridge], a distant memory of an old Pinkberry order, and a craving courtesy of a culinary hero[ine].

6L of Whole Milk

6L of Whole Milk

In continuation of what to do when - to avoid throwing down the drain and with respect to my #NoWaste kitchen experiments - your friends give you 6L of Whole Milk [to carry single-handedly on the tube home]...

Salted-Caramel Chocolate Croissant Pudding

Salted-Caramel Chocolate Croissant Pudding

YOU ARE NEVER EVER EVER.  Allowed to throw away pastries.  Ever.   (I mean when you consider how astronomically expensive they can be, that’s literally like throwing money down the drain.  No soul in their right mind would do that.  So.  Don’t do it.).