Greek Yoghurt

Ratatouille: Every Which Way

Ratatouille: Every Which Way

Ratatouille.  It can be fancy and minimalist.  It can evoke the warm and fuzzy feelings of home.  It can bring to mind the image of a cute French rat.  It can be transformed into epic bestovers.

Greek Yoghurt + Nutella Cheesecake

Greek Yoghurt + Nutella Cheesecake

I gave Nigella's Cheesecake a Bestover treatment, courtesy of some old biscuits, an abundance of Greek Yoghurt [more than would fit in any regular human’s fridge], a distant memory of an old Pinkberry order, and a craving courtesy of a culinary hero[ine].

6L of Whole Milk

6L of Whole Milk

In continuation of what to do when - to avoid throwing down the drain and with respect to my #NoWaste kitchen experiments - your friends give you 6L of Whole Milk [to carry single-handedly on the tube home]...

5-Minute Shortcut Granola

5-Minute Shortcut Granola

I can never remember to make Granola, until I actually want Granola, by which time it is far too late to make any, and I just don’t have the freedom to purchase beautiful artisanal granola to satisfy each craving.  A friend once said, through necessity is born genius.  Not claiming to be genius by any means, but merely to say that through this existential-granola-dilemma, a solution was born: Shortcut Granola.

Stale Bread à la Trentina

Stale Bread à la Trentina

Casually browsing through my newsfeed this morning, as one does, when I happened across Tasting' Table's Jonathan Sawyer's Strangolopreti alla Trentina, titled, Jonathan Sawyer's Oozy Cheese Dumplings.  Stunning cinematography, beautiful ingredients, straight forward, honest, and that jazz (meant to shazam that...).  Believe it or not (please don't judge me) that was not what sold me.  It was about a third of the way through the video when he whips a baguette out of nowhere, cracks it in half across his knee, and while grating it speaks the line "it's one of those dishes where yesterday's treasures become today's treasures".  Yup.  Sold.

Juice Pulp Muffins

Juice Pulp Muffins

Waste.  I hate waste.  There are very few things that I truly hate in this world.  And it is not a word I use lightly.  But waste is most certainly one of those few.  Simply because, in most situations, it is entirely unnecessary.

Cue: Juice Pulp Muffins.