Stale Bread

Week of Chickpeas

Week of Chickpeas

I’m not really one to ‘meal plan’.  Even if, interestingly, that is often touted as quite an effective way to reduce food waste in the kitchen.  If I’m honest, I just never get organized.  Instead, I like to invest in one ingredient, and see what I can add to it from the excess odds and ends I have lying around [perhaps you can relate…].  So.  Dry Chickpeas.  A cheap and cheerful pantry ingredient.  And THIS WEEK’S #1Dish1Week HERO.  Let's investigate.

Stale-Bread Summer Panzanella

Stale-Bread Summer Panzanella

For a No-Waste-harping, Italian-food-obsessing, Bestover-loving-gal, discovering the secrets of Panzanella were certainly among the best things to happen to me while in Italy (hey don't judge, some people get excited about tech, I get excited about new ways to upcycle foods.  To each their own...).

Stale Bread à la Trentina

Stale Bread à la Trentina

Casually browsing through my newsfeed this morning, as one does, when I happened across Tasting' Table's Jonathan Sawyer's Strangolopreti alla Trentina, titled, Jonathan Sawyer's Oozy Cheese Dumplings.  Stunning cinematography, beautiful ingredients, straight forward, honest, and that jazz (meant to shazam that...).  Believe it or not (please don't judge me) that was not what sold me.  It was about a third of the way through the video when he whips a baguette out of nowhere, cracks it in half across his knee, and while grating it speaks the line "it's one of those dishes where yesterday's treasures become today's treasures".  Yup.  Sold.