It’s true. The Rubies team has gone and brought back the banana to their stunning line-up. And it’s going by the name of Top Banana, Ketchup. If I’m 100% honest, I was 100% skeptical. And 100% certain I needed to try it right away. Fortunately for me, I did, and with no less than a platter of freshly baked sweet potato fries. And it 100% works.
Almonds: 2 for the Price of 1
Christmas Clementine Cake
Powerhouse Peanut Butter Smoothie
I don't know how, or when, or why for that matter, I came to be so obsessed with Peanut Butter. But I am. And as accepting the fact is the first step to recovery, I have decided to indulge in this obsession whenever, however possible, allowing it to healthily run its course (yes healthy and obsession were just used in the same sentence).