Squash, Chickpea + Prune Tagine
It’s true. The Rubies team has gone and brought back the banana to their stunning line-up. And it’s going by the name of Top Banana, Ketchup. If I’m 100% honest, I was 100% skeptical. And 100% certain I needed to try it right away. Fortunately for me, I did, and with no less than a platter of freshly baked sweet potato fries. And it 100% works.
Turmeric Spiced Carrot Soup
While I’ve not yet decided whether or not I’m quite ready for the frosty weather, (not that autumn cares), it has given me another idea for using up this rather large quantity of carrots I’ve somehow landed myself with. (And turmeric, well, because I've been consuming it in abundance to ward off the masses of cold-infected humans that suddenly surround me).