Breakfast On The Go

Bircher-Granola Dust-Muesli

Bircher-Granola Dust-Muesli

You know the bottom of that granola bag robbing you of what could have been your last few clusters?  That comes out in a rush covering your kitchen counter in dust, or sits at the bottom of your cereal bowl, neglected.   Wasted...

Yeah, that.  It's gold.

Powerhouse Peanut Butter Smoothie

Powerhouse Peanut Butter Smoothie

I don't know how, or when, or why for that matter, I came to be so obsessed with Peanut Butter.  But I am.  And as accepting the fact is the first step to recovery, I have decided to indulge in this obsession whenever, however possible, allowing it to healthily run its course (yes healthy and obsession were just used in the same sentence).