Breakfast Bowl

Powerhouse Peanut Butter Smoothie

Powerhouse Peanut Butter Smoothie

I don't know how, or when, or why for that matter, I came to be so obsessed with Peanut Butter.  But I am.  And as accepting the fact is the first step to recovery, I have decided to indulge in this obsession whenever, however possible, allowing it to healthily run its course (yes healthy and obsession were just used in the same sentence).

5-Minute Shortcut Granola

5-Minute Shortcut Granola

I can never remember to make Granola, until I actually want Granola, by which time it is far too late to make any, and I just don’t have the freedom to purchase beautiful artisanal granola to satisfy each craving.  A friend once said, through necessity is born genius.  Not claiming to be genius by any means, but merely to say that through this existential-granola-dilemma, a solution was born: Shortcut Granola.