
Turmeric Spiced Carrot Soup

Turmeric Spiced Carrot Soup

While I’ve not yet decided whether or not I’m quite ready for the frosty weather, (not that autumn cares), it has given me another idea for using up this rather large quantity of carrots I’ve somehow landed myself with.  (And turmeric, well, because I've been consuming it in abundance to ward off the masses of cold-infected humans that suddenly surround me).

Ratatouille: Every Which Way

Ratatouille: Every Which Way

Ratatouille.  It can be fancy and minimalist.  It can evoke the warm and fuzzy feelings of home.  It can bring to mind the image of a cute French rat.  It can be transformed into epic bestovers.

Pear Fennel + Soup How-Tos

Pear Fennel + Soup How-Tos

Soup is not something to which I ever gave much thought, growing up.  But over the years I have noticed how much good it does to my body.  And quite frankly, it's also one of the most fantastic ways to use up any vegetables nearing expiration.  And so beautifully simple.