No Waste Baking

Kitchen-Sink Easter Nests

Kitchen-Sink Easter Nests

I should pre-empt this post by first excusing myself for an abnormally excessive number of photos of these obsessively cute Easter treats.  I honestly couldn't help myself.

JuicePulp Crêpes + Overripe Clementine-Poached-Apple

JuicePulp Crêpes + Overripe Clementine-Poached-Apple

There really isn’t much more to say here, other than YAY PANCAKE DAY, juice waste is shameful, painful, and I know you’re just dying to add another crêpe / pancake recipe to your repertoire… [especially one as simple, fibre filled and delicious as this one].

Flaky Pastry - A Freezer Essential

Flaky Pastry - A Freezer Essential

In working towards creating a more efficient and sustainable kitchen, over the years I have learnt that it is really not a bad idea, in an effort to prepare for life's certain uncertainties, to ensure that there be always a slab (or 2) of home made Flaky Pastry in the freezer.  Well, I suppose any pastry.  But as I find Flaky to be the most multifunctional, Flaky it is.

Juice Pulp Muffins

Juice Pulp Muffins

Waste.  I hate waste.  There are very few things that I truly hate in this world.  And it is not a word I use lightly.  But waste is most certainly one of those few.  Simply because, in most situations, it is entirely unnecessary.

Cue: Juice Pulp Muffins.