Home Made Pastry

Tomato Tarte Tatin

Tomato Tarte Tatin

Summer has finally hit.  And with it, an abundance of tomatoes. *Happy Dance*.  Which is an even better excuse to devour tomatoes at every opportunity.  Tomatoes are, after all, the essence of summer, and while I desperately wish I had an Italian tomato plantation at the end of my garden, (I guess we can't have everything...), this tart definitely does any and all tomatoes (even those not Italian), justice. 

Flaky Pastry - A Freezer Essential

Flaky Pastry - A Freezer Essential

In working towards creating a more efficient and sustainable kitchen, over the years I have learnt that it is really not a bad idea, in an effort to prepare for life's certain uncertainties, to ensure that there be always a slab (or 2) of home made Flaky Pastry in the freezer.  Well, I suppose any pastry.  But as I find Flaky to be the most multifunctional, Flaky it is.