Tomato Tarte Tatin

Tomato Tarte Tatin

Summer has finally hit.  And with it, an abundance of tomatoes. *Happy Dance*.  Which is an even better excuse to devour tomatoes at every opportunity.  Tomatoes are, after all, the essence of summer, and while I desperately wish I had an Italian tomato plantation at the end of my garden, (I guess we can't have everything...), this tart definitely does any and all tomatoes (even those not Italian), justice. 

Powerhouse Peanut Butter Smoothie

Powerhouse Peanut Butter Smoothie

I don't know how, or when, or why for that matter, I came to be so obsessed with Peanut Butter.  But I am.  And as accepting the fact is the first step to recovery, I have decided to indulge in this obsession whenever, however possible, allowing it to healthily run its course (yes healthy and obsession were just used in the same sentence).

Compost Cake

Compost Cake

Sounds unpleasant doesn’t it.  Do you trust me?

Elderflower - Summer's Secret Weapon

Elderflower - Summer's Secret Weapon

Stunning blossom, beautifully delicate, deliciously fragrant.  With the last of this year’s elderflower blossoms, had to whip up one last batch of Elderflower Simple Syrup to last through the summer.

Mediterranean Pasta Salad

Mediterranean Pasta Salad

This is the best and only pasta salad, you will ever need in your life.  We can shake on it if you’d like?  Here’s why: it literally combines everything you need in a dish, in texture, flavour, colour, nutritional balance and indulgence.  Even Masterchef would be impressed.  So simple, packed with flavour, born from the simple desire to eat all our favourite things.  And whaddya know, perfect leftover-pasta-bestover-recipe (how's that for a tongue-twister): my mum’s Mediterranean Pasta Salad.

Breakfast PB+J IceCream Sandwiches

Breakfast PB+J IceCream Sandwiches

Today is July 4th.  There are many things going through my mind: I miss America (more than I expected to).  I miss San Francisco.  I miss my friends.  Craving some smoked bbq ribs right about now.  With whom can I celebrate here.  How do I celebrate this year.  Where did this recent obsession with Peanut Butter + Jelly come from.  It's 900 degrees.  I want an Ice Cream Sandwich.  PEANUT BUTTER + JELLY ICE CREAM SANDWICH.  Breakfast style. 

Kohlrabi: Okonomiyaki + Slaw

Kohlrabi: Okonomiyaki + Slaw

I have been fortunate to have experienced cultures from across the world, which in turn has led me to crave the discovery of all sorts of global cuisines, generally through my personal consumption, but whenever I can, through local cooking classes.  But in all honesty, Japanese food is never something I properly looked into, other than endless sushi dates and that Sushi making party that one time...Until my mum brought home the strangest looking vegetable I'd seen in a long time, and Food 52 just so happened to feature it on their CSA.  Too perfect of a coincidence NOT to try my hand at it.  Hence, Kohlrabi Okonomiyaki with lightly pickled Kohlrabi Slaw. 

Apricot + Rosemary Galettes

Apricot + Rosemary Galettes

Sometimes it’s the stunning photography, the innovative styling, sometimes the who, the why, the where.  And sometimes, it’s just about discovering the most unusual Ratatouille-palette-firework-inducing flavour combinations that make the culinary world so enticing.  Which just so happened to be the case this morning, thanks to Master Chef Australia’s current contestant Ashleigh Bareham (and if you haven’t heard of Master Chef Australia, then that’s another conversation we need to have), who decided to oven roast Apricots with Rosemary.  Who’d have thought.  Genius.  Yes, that herb you rub meats with, roast vegetables in, and infuse gravies with.  That one.  On our Galettes.  Mini/individual Apricot Rosemary and Honey Galettes, to be precise.